September 11, 2012

What's in your kids lunch?#6

Blame it on lack of sleep but I feel like todays lunch was a bit of a repeat.
Actually, there wasn't a huge difference from yesterdays lunch was there?  You can take a peak at yesterday post and check, I will wait.

Yep, I suck.  6 days in and I have hit a creative road block.
I could blame it on lack of microwave access and the whole nut-free.  I could even say that I have picky kids but that wouldn't be true either.

So what the heck happened

I'm not entirely sure what exactly what happened.  

I plan better when I am hungry so maybe I should make a list or better yet, pack lunches just after dinner.

When do you pack lunches?  Do you have a plan that works or are you a "fly by the seat of your pants" kinda packer?

So, what did I pack them?
  • pumpkin spice mini muffin
  • carrot slices
  • cheese string
  • Lettuce, Ham & Cheese sandwich
  • banana
  • kiwi slices with black berries and raspberries
  • yogurt {which Niffy nunu pointed out that they didn't touch either one of their yogurts so I won't be packing that tomorrow}
Anyways,meal blunders aside.
I have a new toy :0)
I finally picked up adobe photoshop elements 10.
Now I just have to find the right tutorials...
Are any of you digital scrappers?
I need help!!


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