September 12, 2012

What's in your kids lunch? #7

Hmm, so the picture didn't look quite so strange when I took it and since the kids should be eating {or just finishing} lunch
I don't have another chance to snap another picture.

Did you notice? 

I didn't pack the kids a sandwich today in their lunch today.
**insert happy mommy dance here** And, even better I used ingredients from last nights dinner.

So, what did I pack them?
  • tuscan salad {chicken, lettuce, sunflower seeds & cranberries drizzled with raspberry dressing}
  • blueberries, raspberries & sliced pear
  • cheese slice
  • banana
  • one banana zucchini muffin and one pumpkin spice muffin.
They are eating better than I am today **snicker**
What did you pack?


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