September 06, 2012

What's in your kids lunch #3

I need a to come up with a better plan.
Or this is going to get old fast! Three days in and I was struggling. Well, sort of.
Asking anyone at 7:30a.m. what they want for lunch you're not going to get the best answers.
Our conversation went a little like this:

me: "What do you want for lunch"

Giggles: "I want to pack it, let me pack it"

Me: " No, eat your breakfast, what do you want me to put in your lunch?"

Giggles: "I want one of those round chocolate thingies and that's it."

Me: "no, you can't have a wagon wheel and only a wagon wheel for lunch"

Giggles: "Fine..I don't know what I want"

**sigh** Oh so helpful!

So what did I pack?
  • Orange slices with blueberries
  • Marble cheese cubes
  • Apple crumble granola bar
  • raspberry jam sandwich on whole wheat bread
  • nectarines
  • strawberry yogurt {they want us to become more litter-less}
  • raisins {but only in Mr.D's lunch as giggles hates raisins}
In the end it didn't really matter what she wanted or what I packed. So,what did she actually eat?
  •  orange jello & a bowl of chicken noodle soup.
We were waiting to catch the bus to school and she told me she wasn't feeling well.  The next thing I knew she was getting sick and I got to spend the next 30 minutes scrubbing out my mini van.

Guess who's not at school.....  **sigh**

I'm going to do some baking today and replenish my stock of mini muffins and I am going to come up with a list for the rest of this week.  We need more than just sandwiches...


  1. Hi!

    I'm stopping in from the Friday Chaos blog hop! I am one of the co-hosts this week and I'm so glad you linked up!

    I hope Giggles feels better real soon!

    I hope you have an awesome weekend!


  2. Thanks for stopping in Alexis!!
    Giggles is feeling much better {we aren't really sure what that was all about!}
    She ate her weight in mini muffins so what ever it was was short lived. ;0)



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