February 16, 2013

On my way up!

Normally I leave the electronic gadgets to my hubby.
I don't even own a wristwatch and haven't since high school so this purchase was a huge step forwards for me.
Who knew I could gain a more wholistic approach to my own health with an iphone app & a wristband.

But, I'm jumping ahead of myself..

My good friend Amy purchased a fuel ban to help with her weight-loss goal and loved hers so much that on her recommendation my husband purchased one for himself a week ago.

I asked for his honest opinion and he shared that He loves how sturdy and easy the wristband is to put on, he can transfer data from his wristband by syncing through bluetooth and he likes the readout display but he felt it was a glorified pedometer.
Which initially was what I was looking for myself.
What better way to motivate yourself to get moving away from emptying the freezer of the last remaining ice cream sandwiches and start changing your own self from unhealthy to healthy?

Which brings me to last night.

we went to the apple store looking to purchase myself a Nike fuel band (just like my husband) and while we were waiting for an associate to bring us the sizing chart I I noticed just a little higher up on the shelf was a mint greenJawbone up wristband.
The fuel band come really in two white and black.
Transparent white or solid white.
Transparent black or solid black.
So, I googled the differences between the two and went against the "flow" and brought home an Up jawbone wristband.
I haven't even had it for a full day yet and I love it already.

According to their website there are only two reasons to remove the wristband, to charge it and to sync it with the free iPhone app.

The wristband tracks my movement and sleep while the app displays my data allowing me to add my meals and mood.

I'm not too comfy with wearing it in the shower so I "cheated"and synced it then. I wore it too bed last night and was surprised with how detailed my sleep reading was compared to the sleep cycle app I have been using forever.

Now if I can figure out how to set the vibrating alarm I can clear up some room on my phone and punt my iphone out of my bed for good!

I need two days of data to see my trend graphs so I'm excited to see my own "trends".

There are no data read outs on the device but I like that, makes it look and feel more like a bracelet without announcing to the world what it's function actually is.

I can't believe I picked one up....
But you know what they say... You can only go UP from here!

Have you ever purchased a fitness band?
Was it a worthwhile purchase or did the lustre wear off before the pounds did?
It would love to hear your success stories!

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