February 22, 2013

Birthday season is OVER!!

I'm throwing in the towel & putting the mixer away!
its time to replenish my card stock of wrapping paper and gift bags so we are ready for our next go round....

Birthday season has happily come to an end and this one was a big one!

My oldest turned 18 {gasp!!} so there was no character cake this time round.   I was a little disappointed she didn't want a barbie cake but got over that pretty fast. 
We swapped "fancy" for taste and I whipped up a homemade chocolate birthday cake with pink polka dots!

Inside is a vanilla cake recipe with a rich "Perfect chocolate" frosting
I scoured the isles but couldn't find the Italian custard called for in the re so we skipped it.
 Technically the custard was "optional" so it didn't effect the consistency of the batter  but I'm convinced we missed out.
 The cake flavor was "good" but not "spectacular".
Whatever the cake was lacking the chocolate icing more than made up for it.

What a delicious cake!

This was probably the most unusual birthday we have ever celebrated.

Her evening including a whirlwind trip to the tattoo parlor where she got her first "piece" which reads

" She flys with her own wings" scrolled in Latin.

We feasted on pizza and cake then before her presents were even opened she had a birthday shot Of tequila complete with salt and lemon.

Apparently I am "that mom".

Haven't decided what I think about that either...

I guess it's ok because tomorrow night we are dusting off our dancing shoes and are taking her out for "girls night".

We are taking a proactive role and teaching her "how to have Fun" and "keep herself safe" while doing so.

I have mixed emotions with this entire " your baby is now an adult" ordeal.

It's strange to think that the little girl who used to eat gobs of butter now can vote.
Scared to death of earthworms but can travel anywhere she wants on her own.

I need to relax and trust and believe we have been a positive influence in her life.

That she remembers what we taught her and thankfully she has her head screwed on right so i know she will keep her " nose clean" and out of trouble.

Thankfully she doesn't need to have it all figured out....I'm in my late 30's and still seek the advice of my parents!

Am I the only one?
Who do you go to for advice?

Speaking of my mom.
She went through this with both my sister any myself.
She knows how to deal with this....maybe I should give her a quick call before I have a mini melt down.

Right after I sneak a piece of cake...

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your daughter!! What a lovely cake!! I found you at Whip it up Wednesday. Your blog is delightful and I'm a new follower. Thanks for stopping by my place when you have a chance. ~ Blessings, Tracey




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