February 15, 2013


Looks like its time for a touch up...
My Anglican roots are showing!
It's the first week of lent And I already feel guilty for missing all the Church services.
I haven't really even thought of what I wanted to "give up" either.

In years past I've given up coffee which turned out to be disastrous with a torturous weeklong headache.

I've given up chocolates but after eating three ice cream sandwiches a few days ago for lunch I obviously didn't go that route either.
What about you?

Did you give something up for Lent or did you add something to your life?

I don't think It's so much what I need to give up but what I need to add to my life...

What can I add into my normal daily walk that's going to strengthen my relationship with God?
What will strengthen my relationship with my family?
What can I add to my life that will enhance my life and not add more stress to it?
I find I say yes to so many different things that I find myself wondering what possessed me to even say yes in the first place!  

Too much on an already full plate..
One thing that has really been on my heart the last little bit has more to do with our Legacy.


 noun \ˈle-gə-sē\
plural leg·a·cies

Definition of LEGACY

: a gift by will especially of money or other personal property : bequest
: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past legacy
 of the ancient philosophers>

What memories do I want my children to have of their life growing up here? with their mother with their siblings?

I don't want my children to remember that mom was so busy that she didn't have a chance to cuddle with them on the sofa and read a story .

I cherish every minute of my time spent with them.

I think I've decided that for lent I'm going to spend more quiet time with God and more time with my family... 

Even if it's something as simple as pizza board games. 

I have a pretty mean winning streak going with candy land.
Poor big daddy he hates boardgames!!

It's funny yesterday was Valentine's Day the day the entire world focuses on that "special someone".
what about loving those around you every day not just one day a year?
Flowers and chocolates are nice but I would rather know without a doubt that I am cherished and loved every single day regardless if I am wearing ladybug red lipstick and rocking my Betsys!

My hubby surprised me with a breathtaking orchid arrangement and the yummiest dinner that was absolutely amazing and very expensive but truth be told {which won't be a big shock...}

I'm a simple girl and would rather be barefoot in the kitchen with my husband creating our own unique dish.
Grossing out my kids when he gives me a big kiss on the lips!

You may have noticed that I haven't been posting every single truth be told I've been spending less time on my iPhone, less time on the computer. 

More time outside more and much more time on the floor playing with children.

Granted this morning I woke up with a monstrous migraine headache and ended up having to cancel my entire day.
when I finally crawl out of bed I nearly stepped on milk soaked Cheerios left on the stairs,
I found a ransacked lunch bag with orange peels and half sandwich smooshed into the air register vents plus I narrowly missed stepping on a questionable stain left on the bathroom floor.
Our afternoon is a lot quieter with the girls are currently playing in the bathtub. 

Wearing they're bathing suits.

I think they're trying to tell me that they would like to go to the pool...

Maybe, we could go to the movies and redo an old family photo I found of us at waiting for the movie to start.  Its pretty old as we are missing the baby.

Perhaps A stargazing date to the Observatory would be cool...hmm, That might be kind of neat to take the kids!!

How cool would it be if I got my kids hooked on stargazing just like I am?

Then we could all be outside on a cold winters sky Trying to figure out where the constellations are and if we can see any planet...

See how easy that was?
Three family friendly activities and I didn't even try!

What's your favorite family friendly activity?


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