January 23, 2013

In this moment...

I'm convinced God is leading me as I muddling my way through re-learning "how to" Focusing on what matters most... Right now.

So much so that this morning during my quiet time I read something that I need to share with you.

"Place your hands in what I've called you to today. Press all the way down. Create the needed space for the task at hand. If it's a full day with the kids, then press down there. Don't worry about the number of things you should do in your life. Just concentrate on what you're doing right now."
By Gillian Marchenko
Thriving family January/February 2013

Just like the author mentioned for herself I am learning that I need to take one moment at a time.

To create enough space in my thoughts to be fully present and make contact with the hearts of those closest to me.

Funny, what started as a "rebellion" of sorts has become a quest to become a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend.

- Sweet Momma on the run

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