In just a few months she is going to be 18.
Then everything changes.
Mr. D has sprouted over the summer into this handsome little man. Adapting and growing into a "big kid" we have said goodbye to his shaggy mop and hello to a Mohawk instead. Grade 2 already and I wonder what else we will see this year.
He still makes up games with his sisters, still kisses his little sisters neck, still changes the channel when something he sees frightens him. He wants to be a superhero when he grows up {or so he says} He spends less time playing "cars" and more time playing "batman"
We have learned that soccer is not something he is interested in so he will be in Muai Thai with his daddy and possibly climbing to keep him from scrambling up my door frames. He loves to draw and build and play with his bow and arrow. I grew up with a sister so all of this is new to me.
Plus, that little fishy will be back in swimming lessons once our scheduled is finalized.
She spent enjoyed slipping and sliding down the water slides {with the cast on}, soaking in the hot tub and floating in the big pool. She has blossomed into a "big kid" over the summer and is beyond excited and a little bit scared to be going in Grade 1.
She intelligent and loves to figure things out.
She's the creative one who would rather sing then talk and enjoys dressing up, coloring and playing.
My baby is now a toddler!
Her vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few months. Her curiosity is ferocious and she loves the outdoors.
And swimming, and "buddies" {planes}
She is becoming more and more independent every day. She hasn't figured out how to dress herself yet but she insists on having a say in what you are putting on her even if that means she is wearing a {swimsuit & rubber boots}
She is terrified of thunderstorms, men with turbans and cats.
She loves to dress up and adores her older siblings.
Life is going to be so different with only one little one home all day!
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