September 04, 2012

What's in your kids lunch? #1

 My kids have a say in what I pack for their school lunches but for the most part I am the voice of reason encouraging fresh fruit and healthier choices. When I was a kid I had a peanut butter & jam sandwich and an apple every. single. day.

Maybe that plays a huge part in the way I feed my family or helps people to understand why I want to try new foods from all over the globe.
Whatever the case may be It's my hope that our lunches will become healthier throughout the school year.
So for fun {and a way to be accountable} I am going to post what goes in their lunches.  Seriously, call me out if I miss a day or you see something that could have been replaced with a healthier option.  I'm not the only mom out there who struggles with "what-the-heck-do-I-packitis" 
Let's help each other out {our kids will thank us in the end}

First day of school
So what did I pack for their lunches?
  • Whole Wheat Raspberry jam sandwich 
  • Pear slices
  • two homemade mini muffins {apple cinnamon & blueberry lavender}
  • Cheese string
  • Nectarine 
  • Water to drink 

One small complaint about the rubber made containers we have.
They are too small!
Can anyone recommend a container that works well in a child's lunch?

Does anyone else get their kids to help pack their lunches? 


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