November 20, 2011

The beginning of what I am thankful for....

I am sure you have seen posts like this littered all over facebook. Several of my friends are on a 40 day journey to articulate things they are thankful for. Shamefully I will admit that "gnome town" has stolen most of my attention on facebook and I don't usually realize later that none of my posts are about things I am thankful for and most of them all of them are about pretty much fluff. I post about the weather, my kids, if I have my homework done for Bible study. But nothing about what I am thankful for! So, as a way to get myself blogging more I am going to start my 40 day journey here.
Now.(and with pictures!!)
Day #1:
I am thankful for all 4 seasons!

As brief as they are they are filled with so many wonderful things it's hard to pick which one is actually my favorite! Nothing can compete with the warm summer sun that tickles my skin, for ice cream kisses and hearing the giggles of my children as they race through the sprinkler trying desperately to dodge the freezing cold droplets splashing on their skin. For BBQ and all the yummy smells, picnics in the park and flowers. And yes, even for the ladybugs that like to pee on my arms.
For the colorful display of autumn leaves, cool evenings and the start of new programs. Back to school,Bike rides, school busses and making new friends. And then in the blink of an eye the nights become longer, the weather turns and the wind isn't so warm and the chill gets deep down into your bones. Old man winter is here and brings with him brisk winter air, cornflower blue skies that trick you into thinking it's warmer than it is. For frozen eyelashes,crunchy snow, ice skating on a nearby pond and building snowmen. For hot chocolate & time spent with friends and family. And before we know it, winter slips away and we see the renewal of spring and the budding flowers push through the earth, for mud puddles and rain that clears winters ugliness away. For warmer mornings and butterflies. I can't imaging living somewhere where there weren't four distinctly different seasons!

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