May 01, 2013

5 passions

As I mentioned in this post, I haven’t found my clear purpose in life yet, but I know for sure that one of my purposes in life is to be an awesome mother to my daughters, and to raise them to be respectable women.  I want to raise my son to be respectable, thoughtful and caring as well.
 I don’t do any journalling, but I want to create something that my children can go back to and reflect upon, if something were to happen to me. Something other than pictures. My words, my thoughts, and my memories. 
If you haven't noticed yet, I have missed one of the most important ones but I am saving that one for last so don't be too surprised it I chose to do whatever topic speaks to me at the moment. I’ll be sure to link each one up to this original post as they are completed. Moving on!

1. Living a healthier and more fit lifestyle.
Who among us doesn't have the desire to live a healthier and more active life?
I would like to be totally honest here and share with you most of what drives me today is the fancy new dress that I ordered and will be here soon!  Shallow right?  Yeah, I'm working on that too.

2. Discovering new places, things and foods...where's my passport?  

3. Baking and cake decorating.  I indulged in a cake decorating course a few years ago and with only five chances a year to make something pretty I pour hours into making a cake look just right.  Like the ballet slippers for Niffy Nunu 16th Birthday or the barbie doll cake I made for Giggles 6th.

4. Growing deeper and closer to Jesus..the one who dragged me out of my pit, dusted me off and loved me enough not to leave me that way.

5. My family... I want  my kids to grow up knowing that their mother loved them unconditionally, was proud of who they were and excited to watch them grow into who they will become. 

                What are you passionate about?

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