January 15, 2013

Verse 2: Siesta Scripture Memory Team

I only have a quick second before we have to dash out the door but I wanted to share with you verse 2.
I did add it to my "page" so if the words off this scripture grab your attention like they did me you will know where to find it.
I am holding this one close and praying it for my babies and their babies and their babies and so on and so forth.
We live in such a crazy busy world and it seems like every which way you turn something or someone is trying to grab their attention.
My prayer is that my children would be taught by him and have ears to hear him.
There is no greater teacher!
 So, here it goes.

"All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13 ESV

 Goose bumps just ran up and down my arms.
How awesome is that verse!
K, running late...  See you soon!


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