January 17, 2013

The real reason I'm not emailing you back.

I don't even remember when it happened.

It might have been while I was standing in line at the supermarket and the baby was squawking and without much thought I passed her my phone to silence her.

It might have been while I was working out and it was either attempt locust pose with her climbing all over my back or give her something she could do and I opted to keep her busy.

Wouldn't I like to know!
It seems that lately she spends more time than I do with my iPhone.

She watches "toy story" or "maters tall tales" while I move over the laundry, or make meals or drive.

I hear the familiar chirping of an incoming email message or game request and instead of rushing to check, I leave it.

Actually, truth be told.

What used to give me "freedom" has started feeling a lot like a leash.
There is no where I can go that I can't be reached 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

Am I the only one who feels like that?

Forget your phone and get bombarded with a million unnecessary questions.
"where were you? I tried your cell and got no answer!"

I take it with me when I leave the house and even when I leave the room.

I drag my phone up to bed with me and use it as an alarm clock meaning I have it tucked into my bed right beside my head (on airplane mode so no one can call or text me at 3:00 am thank you very much).

I hide under the bed covers when sleep won't come and play "words with friends" or check the news or clean out my email account instead of resting.

I take it with me to restaurant and find myself checking and rechecking Facebook when I should be visiting with my friends.

I should be laughing and making memories!

When did this contraption become "so important"?

I'm not an idiot! I have sense enough to rebel and turn that thing off.

I'm exhausted trying to "keep" up but constantly feel like I "need too".

That's ridiculous!

What would happen if I just turned it off?

Left my phone turned off it in my coat pocket?

The world wouldn't fall apart (would it?!?)

I still have the house phone so if you really wanted/needed me or better yet you come come and visit me!

Then I could focus on more pressing matters.

Like playing play dough with my baby.

Snuggling together on the sofa reading her favourite "brown bear, brown bear what do you see?" Over and over again.

I'm about to find out....

I'm not sure if my phone is even charged but I'm turning it off.

I'm rebelling against my iPhone.

I'm not a idiot!
My beloved Nana would be horrified to see how much time I allow this thing to steal from me...so I'm taking it back!


  1. Wow! You are pretty hard core!! <3

  2. Elizabeth, are you a "siesta " too?!?
    Which verse caught your focus?

    Nancy: you know it!! Lol



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