October 22, 2012

The heart of Birthday Season

Forget fall, we have already gone past that!
My family is just starting one of the busiest "seasons" in our already busy lives.
We are in the heart of Birthday season.
When you have a large family it's a given that there are going to be a ton of birthdays.
We have 2 Birthdays in October.
Today is my moms! {Happy Birthday MOMMY!!}
Mine is a few days away on the 28th.
We have 3 birthdays in November.
Punky is turning 2.
Mr. D will be 8.
My dad is the day before Mr. D's.
We have 2 birthdays in December.
Big Daddy falls on the 8th and Giggles at the end of the month on the 29th.
Just days after Christmas. 
My nephew turns 2 in January and our oldest is 18 in February.
Birthday season has arrived.
Already my mind is turning with what cake I am going to make for them this year.
I don't mind being "that mom".
Last year I made him a Mario Cake so the perfection in me is frantically trying to figure out how to top that.
Thankfully I have time.
I have already glossed over my own and am now planning on Punky's party.  She is really interested in airplanes so I am thinking of something along those lines but I'm not really sure.
She also loves Doc McStuffins too.
I wonder if I made her a dragon cake she would think it was "stuffie"?
I don't know... 

After a weekend birthday party I realized our "supplies" were lacking.  The tape is missing  has been used for children's crafts {read "I want to make my own doorbell for my bedroom so I taped this noisy card to my bedroom door with 1/2 a thing of tape} and the only gift bags I have are "baby shower" gift bags. 
Yes, defiantly appropriate for a 6 year olds party.
 No gift wrap paper at all.
Seriously. For a house with this many birthdays you would think we would be more prepared.
We aren't.
At all.
Guess a trip to the dollar store is order a.s.a.p!

What about you?  
Do you have a "birthday season" in your household?
How do you stay on top of things?


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