September 20, 2012

There and back again...

All of us have at least one CrAzY day a week.
sometimes it might feel like every day is a crazy day we try and stuff them so full.

Mine is Wednesday.

After work I get a chance to facilitating a Bible study group with a bunch of amazing women so my night is just as busy and full as my day already has been. 

I take the girls with me and Big Daddy sneaks off with our son to take in a muay thai class.
So normally I strive for a nice quite day at home.
That wasn't the case yesterday. 
With two different trips to the airport we I spent nap time in the van listening to two snoring toddlers. 

**sigh** So, there went my workout.

We had a failed visit with my day home provider yet I some how managed to make 4 dozen muffins {Apple maple & banana chocolate chip} plus Mr.D was stung by a wasp at school.
He told me that he "tried to stay really still but he still bit me so I smacked him".  **groan**
I feel like I have been there and back again but didn't get a chance to stop in the middle and enjoy much of it!

 I didn't forget, I just didn't get a chance to post what I made for lunches. Here is what I fed my monkeys! 
Yesterday's lunch #12
  • shipwrecks dinner 
  • banana chocolate chip muffin
  • celery sticks and baby carrots 
  • ranch dressing "dip"
  • yogurt

todays lunch #13
  • raspberry jam sandwich on whole wheat bread
  • blueberries
  • celery sticks and baby carrots
  • ranch dressing "dip"
  • apple maple muffin
  • Yogurt 

 Honestly, I wanted to pack them the cottage cheese pancakes we had for dinner last night but I haven't figured out the best way to keep them warm.  Yuck, who wants to eat cold pancakes?
Plus, I am beginning to feel like I am in a muffin rutIs that even possible?  
Maybe I shouldn't have purchased that mini muffin pan....
What are you packing in your little ones lunches or you stuck in a rut like me?



  1. I pack lunch for my husband and I every day. I have access to a microwave but he doesn't. It is so hard to pack things that are good cold or find ways to keep them warm. We did get a good small soup thermos and he likes taking that. He even says it is good with a cold grilled cheese sandwich to dip into it.

  2. healthy snacks... i wish my son eats something like this

  3. I actually love cold pancakes LOL! I have been sending string cheese, applesauce, grapes, and lunch meat

  4. I am definintely in a rut!!!
    4 lunches a day, 5 days a week; ran out of ideas withing the first year LOL



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