February 08, 2013

Winter Blahs....and taming mount laundry

Hey Friends,
  even thought I feel I have absolutely nothing intelligent to even add to your day I just want to thank you for taking time out of your day to see what's going on in this little neck of the woods.

I have found myself feeling well, blah today.
Nestled on sofa the winter sun warming my toes as sunlight streams through the open windows.
From where I'm sitting there isn't a cloud in the sky.
The little ones are quietly napping and I was a little surprised to found myself feeling well, blah.

Maybe all of yesterdays running around has drained me leaving me more tired than I thought and all I want to do is crawl into a warm bubble bath light a few candles and dump way too much smelly bath salts into the water.
But, I can't just hop into the tub and I have no smelly bath salts so scratch that one off the list.

Maybe I am just in desperate need of rest & relaxation?

I'm "in between loads" so the washer, dryer and dishwasher are humming along leaving me with only a small basket of folded laundry to put away.
Mount laundry has almost been tackled but let's be honest, I'm going to blink and the sock gremlins will have multiplied.


I knew I shouldn't have ever gotten them wet!!

I don't have the drive to pick up my knitting needles and start a new project.
Maybe I could start reading "The hobbit" but it's ebook and I have already drained my iPhone battery into submission with all of my aimless scrolling.
Crazily enough i didn't find anything remotely of interest and i was left feeling well, grouchy.
Same thing happened with the radio last night.

I had to turn it off and just listen to silence.

Too much noise!!

So, I pulled out the teapot and brewed myself a pot of loose leaf detox" tea from David's tea
Yep, I said tea.
The avid coffee junkie is {gulp} drinking tea.
Startled?!? Me too!!
Loose leaf tea tastes a gazillion times better than processed tea bags...
I wonder if my classic morning ritual is about to get shaken up?
What the heck is happening to me!!

First it was a harmless tube of ladybug Red lipstick and now i find myself actually enjoying a mug of tea?!?

Since then the baby has woken up and she is happily playing in the sun.
I'm feeling a bit better...
Not sure what got me into this funk in the first but I'm not determined not to stay this way... But for now I better finish my tea before it gets cold.

What do you do when you find yourself with a case of the blahs?!?


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