February 05, 2013

I took the plunge.....

I have a confession to make...
I have admired red lipstick from afar for a long time but for some reason I've just never got round to trying it on myself.

The closest I've come has been the odd stick of red lip-gloss but that turned out disastrous.

The trouble with red lipstick is that it carries such a bold statement that I was worried I would throw out a "clown" vibe instead of a "damn girl" vibe.

I'm not sure what got into my head...

Maybe it's because I already was wandering aimlessly around the mall.
maybe all the online planning of my 20th High School reunion made me realized something.

I would like to think that I have "grown up" my make up hasn't.

At all.

Which didn't come as a huge surprise at least not to me.

I just recently started using tinted moisturizer. My make up regime has only every consisted of mascara, eye shadow, eye liner and lip gloss.
And I was happy with the simplicity of it all.
Give me 5 minutes and I'm ready!
At least I thought I was happy...Until a few days ago when I wandered into a cosmetic store and I heard myself asking the cosmetic girl if she could help me find "the perfect shade of red lipstick".

what had possessed me to walk into that store in the first place let alone ask for help finding red lipstick?!?


What happened to just being o.k. with lip gloss?

Nice safe "you don't have to look like an adult" lipgloss?

I took the plunge and walked away with a tube of "ladybug" red from Mac.

Photo Credits {Adventures With Four}

I know, it's a start.

A small start but a start.

I finally faced faced my fears and picked up my first really red lipstick....

What do you think of red lipstick, do you wear it often?
Any great tips for not looking like a clown in it?

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