November 28, 2011

Only the strong will survive

But, the sleep deprived stupidity of my actions will remain forever burned into my memory.
Apparently, one should not make important beauty decisions when one has been up since 5:30 in the morning.
I know what your thinking, "what on earth did she do now?!?"

Hang on, there is an perfectly logical explanation to all of this but you have to get a quick peak into what the days leading up to it looked like to get the FULL picture.
I figure, I can't stay hostage in my house forever so, I should share my misfortune with you.
Perhaps you can catch a glimmer of the lesson that God has been teaching me this week.
But, I am getting ahead of myself.
Let me back up and explain.
Normally my weeks are busy but as you recall last week was even crazier.
Mr. D celebrated his 7th birthday and I was up to my elbows in icing trying to complete his cake before he came home from school.
I woke up that morning feeling and sounding remarkable like a teenage boy (croaky voice included) and instead of crawling back into bed like I wanted to, I was in a rush trying to squeeze too many things into one day.
A cake, a family birthday party and we still had Bible study/wee college/youth group/children's programs that we had to attend all squeezed into one night. Surviving on coffee and little else I fell into bed that night completely exhausted praying that the baby would let me sleep and wasn't going to be a huge challenge the next morning.
Thursday was just as frantic with back to back doctor's appointments for both myself & Punky.
On a side note: did you know that your tonsil's could grow back?!?
I guess I am one of the "lucky" ones as apparently part of mine did..gross!!

Followed by an impromptu oil change that morphed into an "hey lady, you need your transmission flushed or your van is going to die" . So what should have been a 10 minute trip turned into an hour.
An hour of me wishing that I had remembered to pack the diaper bag.
Yeah, your day takes a very different turn when you realize that you don't have your diaper bag and your baby is soaked.
Through her clothing and the material in the car seat is drenched in pee.
And, wouldn't you know it..she fell asleep 5 minutes away from home so I undid the car seat and carried her into the house.
Add an additional load of laundry to the mountain then I threw together a quick dinner before dashing out the door again.
Off to take Niffy nunu to dance then back to the house to get Noah for soccer.
I should have just stayed home and had a "nothing night".
Friday night I crashed...hard.
There was no late night t.v. for this girl!
NO date going out.
It's so hard to sleep when you ache, have the chills and your nose feels like it has been jammed full of cotton balls but I managed to get some sleep.
Saturday was NON stop...I squeezed in shopping for last minute loot bags for the party, watched Mr. d play a soccer game and shuttled both Niffy nunu and Giggles to their respective dance lesson.
Squeeze in another quick dinner then we are off for Mr. D's Birthday Party.
Still feeling horrible I did what any good mother did.
I doped up on Advil cold and sinus!
The party went off pretty well...only had 1 search and rescue mission as the baby decided she wanted to check out the facilities on her own and somehow she managed to sneak off without any of the adults noticing her.
I am convinced might have added a few new gray hairs to my long locks.
Late night...and still one more party to go!
The company had rented out the amusement park at the mall so, we were up and out the door by 8:30 to head to the mall.
When I was a teen I would have loved the chance to go on all the rides I wanted.
For free.
As a mom, well, that's another story.
The rides that Mr. D wanted to go on Giggles couldn't so, I went with him.
Nothing more frightening then going on the "swing of the century" when all you are thinking is
"this is really high, he can't fall out of that swing could he?!?"
Somehow my darling husband bamboozled me into going on a roller coaster, the swing of the century and the "child" version of the drop of doom.
Who comes up with these things!?!
The kids might not have been scared but I sure the heck was!!
Thankfully they still enjoy the "kiddie" rides so my nerves did get a break.
Rush back home only to head right out again to pick up the groceries then back to attempt to scale "mount laundry".
Bedtime couldn't have come earlier but I'm not sure if all the strange weather was effecting Punky's sleep patterns as we were up numerous times through out the night finally giving up around 5:45 a.m.
Which brings me to my "sleep deprived stupidity".
I hadn't even had my coffee yet before I went to wake Mr. D who head butted my lip splitting it open.
Then to add insult to injury I decided that maybe my hubby was right.
Those little hairs around my lips were a little longer than I thought they were and I didn't really need them (even though they never EVER bothered me)
Soooo, a quick search under the bathroom cupboard and I found a bottle of nair.
A quick swipe of product and I thought my "problem would be solved"
Not one minute later I am in so much pain and it feels like the skin was going to burn clean off my face!!
Why oh why did I think I was competent enough to be making important beauty decisions when I had been up since 5:30!?!
now not only do I look like I was making out with Ronald McDonald but I get to endure the strange looks from everyone.
And no,
I am not going to post a picture of this one.
You are just going to have to use your imagination on this one!
The lesson:
I am beautiful just the way I am (even looking like I was making out with a clown).
Relax and enjoy one moment at a time.
Sleep when you need to and take care of ME.
It's o.k. to say NO!
And for the love of it all...Read the label!!

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