May 26, 2013

Strawberry Yogurt Cake

Yep, another pinner strikes again.
Scrolling through pinterest and I found myself drooling over a cake.
Not just any cake but a strawberry yogurt cake.

I know, how amazing does that sound?
Well, maybe not drooling...but you get the idea.

Ever since I began my "get in my new dress" campaign I have tried to steer clear of cakes and cookies. I don't even want to imagine how many sit ups I would have to do to "work off" a slice of cake.

So I "pinned it" for later well, apparently it's "later".

We were invited out to visit some friends so, perfect timing for me to whip up the great surprise.  I realize that this cake isn't homemade and I will tweak the recipe for an 100% homemade variety someday soon.

This yummy recipe can be found here.

First trial run I didn't have any cake release  so I tried the "old fashioned method" which turned out to be a disaster. The cake stuck to the bottom of the pan of both pans and what was left wasn't even worth icing.

 I had to start all over again.

Thankfully I have time....
I snuck a taste of the cake and it's delicious!

 photo siggy-1_zps7cb710f6.png

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