January 05, 2013

Slipping and sliding

- First trip snowboarding at Rabbit Hill and would you believe it, I had fun!
Shhhhh.. Or I will end up at the hill ever weekend!

My friends pulled me out of my comfort zone and dragged me to the hill.
Thinking about it now I'm sure it's been at least 10 years since I was at the hill.
my first time downhill skiing was a bonified disaster.
Starfished down the hill and ended up with a sinus full of snow So I was a little hesitant to say the least.
But, I made it down the bunny hill 5 times and only fell once!
Can't wait to go again....

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done! Sounds like you have much better balance than I did, my first time out. :)



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