December 01, 2012

“We Whisk You A Merry Kiss-mas”

I'm getting a head start this year!
My kids have great teachers and even though gift-giving is not an expectation I still want them to know that they are having a positive impact in my children's lives. Here’s the thing: While teachers really appreciate the spirit behind end-of-year gifts, they really don’t have the storage space for yet another “No. 1 teacher” mug.  So,I just "whisked" up four of these.  
I have to make at least three more for the piano teacher, bus driver and their muay thai instructor.

"We Whisk you a Merry Kiss-mas

whisk ($1.25 each at Dollarama)
holiday hershey kisses ($4.49 a bag at Save on foods) *we used two*
clear plastic goodie bag (2 for $6.00 Save on foods)
ribbon-wire and curling
tag (here’s a great pdf: “we whisk you a merry kiss-mas”)
Determine how many kisses you want in the whisk.  Separate one set of wires on the whisk so there is a space wide enough to put the kisses in.  Reshape the wires of the whisk.  Place filled whisk in plastic bag.  Tie wire ribbon around the whisk handle towards the top of the bag to close it.  Tie the curling with the tag under the wire ribbon.  Curl the ends of the curling ribbon.  Done!
I have about $3.50 in each whisk I made.  

Do you make gifts for your children's teachers?
Teachers: What was the most memorable and meaningful token of thanks you have ever received?



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