November 11, 2012

Popcorn and mummies

Big Daddy pulled out our popcorn popper last night for the second birthday party but with everyone coming and going on we forgot to use it!

so before I had a chance to put it away Big daddy used it to make popcorn with the children for breakfast.
Yesterday he served cake today it's popcorn.
I think this might be a bad idea.
I'm not the only one questioning the logic behind our breakfast choice.

Giggles:"why are we having popcorn?" "why don't we watch a movie"

Big daddy: nibbles in popcorn, and replies " what movie?"

Silence as the two of the nibble popcorn.

The conversation ended there as
They cleaned out the bowl.
Conversations in this house can be funny and sometimes completely random.
For example out of the blue Mr.D spouts out this
"you know those old guys they found in caves"
"they wrapped them in toilet paper so they won't rot and turn into skeletons"

Where did that come from?
Sometimes the strangest conversations create the most amazing memories.
And sometimes the craziest breakfasts will create memorable memories too.
I wish my dad had of made us popcorn for breakfast....
What's the craziest thing you have eaten for breakfast?

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