November 14, 2012

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?

A bunch of loud children busily playing I would imagine!

There are a handful of books in my children's "collection" that are there only because they are one of my favorites and I wanted to share the story with them.

This is probably one of my favorite children's stories.
{I have a *cough*few}
But do you think we can find our own copy?

More than likely it's Buried somewhere in a pile of books I imagine and knowing my luck I will find it tomorrow!

So,thanks to the wonders of the internet we watched this short video during afternoon snack then

We extended the activity and created the sweetest little polar Bears. I think the activity would have worked better if we had been able to find the white paint but these are just as cute.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
We also tried tracing our hands onto black paper and coloring it white which lead to a conversation about the color of Polar Bear's skin!

To make your own you need:
*White construction Paper
 *black sharpie marker.


*Black construction Paper
*white wax crayon
*Black sharpie Marker.

Sweet Momma

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