I love the snow but in this case I was referring to my daughters 2nd birthday cake.
Meet "chilly", one of her favourite characters from Disney juniors show "doc mcstuffins" so,he doesn't look exactly like "chilly" but my attempt is close enough that when she saw him she started squealing " my chewie!"
{insert happy mom face}
We are celebrating tonight with immediate family and are having a small get together on the weekend to celebrate with our close friends.
After the morning I had I am looking forward to a night off cooking,
Now that's a funny story.
Well, At the time it wasn't but now that I'm a few hours removed I can giggle about it.
Like normal I never seem to remember to remind Big daddy to take out the garbage the night before so while The youngsters ate I hauled all of our junk out to the curb.
No sooner had I walked back into the house when from out of the kitchen I hear.
" mommy , there's a chunk missing out of the cake"
Me: "what do you mean there's a chunk missing from the cake" (as I start to panic, I don't have time to bake and cool another cake!)
Giggles: " there's a chunk missing from the cake"
As I race past her into the kitchen the baby greets me with crumbs all over her sweet chin and her chubby fingers.
" momma, happy happy nummy nummy!"
Thankfully what I envisioned the cake looking like to what the cake looked like wasn't so bad so everything worked out.
Throw in packing lunches {and realizing you don't have anything to make a sandwich} locating forgotten home reading that still needed to be finished and of course we had to go through the book order forms.
it should come as no surprise we were 15 minutes late getting out the door.
Out the door we go into the deep snow.
The baby laughing as she wades past her knees.
I kick myself for forgetting her snow pants and praying she at least keeps her mittens on.
She of course doesn't.
I Open the drivers side door and toss my purse onto the passenger seat and go to open the back sliding door so the children can get in.
It's frozen and refuses to budge.
Even a little bit.
Walk around to the other side of the van only to realize its frozen shut too.
Open passenger side door and let all four of the children climb over the seat to get into the back.
I have to scramble over the seat to make sure everyone was buckled up then I climb back over to go and scrape the glue of my windows.
so we missed the school bus which meant I had to drive all of the youngsters to school along with every other parent apparently. Slipping and sliding around corners we made the first bell so they at least weren't so late.
I was so close to keeping them home but I knew they would be underfoot and I had a cake to create.
Sure hope it warmed up before we have to go out again!
I would rather not have five children climbing over my seats.
K, maybe that part isn't so funny yet....
While the monkeys played I crumb coated her cake and "glued" the smaller circle into the larger one creating our snowman body.
I whipped up a batch of buttercream icing and a batch of gum paste.
This cake was probably the easiest cake so far.
Why I haven't used gum paste before is beyond me!
His checkered scarf ,adorable carrot nose, button eyes and arms I moulded out of gum paste.
I cheated a little bit when I made his hat and used construction paper instead.
The buttons are milk chocolate.
I think he's cute... What says you?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
what an adorable snowman! :) Cute idea for a cake ... and such a funny story! Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment, and hoping that you're dug out soon!