September 27, 2012

Wanted: healthy boundaries

  Fall is......

enjoying real life again, with calendars full of activities and days filled with purpose.
So why am I feeling overwhelmed?
 Let me back things up just a little so maybe we can see a clearer picture.
I so wish I was sitting next to you sharing a cup of coffee.
Am I the only one who thinks its so much easier to share your heart when your face to face.
Life happens face to face.
Not screen to screen.
So let's pretend we're sitting in a coffee shop chatting.
I hope that you know that I am being transparent & real.
That the words you see on the pages show you my heart.
Even when they seem random.
That you catch a glimpse of who I am.
What I am interested in, worried about or brings me to smile.
I write this blog to share tid bits of my life.
But, I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew.
{pun intended}
I love cooking.
LOVE it.
But I'm not a blog about cooking.
When I first started posting pictures of the kids lunches it was fun but now, It's getting harder to remember not only to take a picture but to post that picture when I am running late and scrambling to get three children out the door. 
So,I think for now its easier to post those photos on my facebook "fan" page Adventures-with-Four.
I love reading other blogs.
And commenting on them.
But,if it's something that not true to what I believe I am not going to tell you how great a post it is.
I hope my readers feel the same when they comment on my posts.

I love entering draws and winning stuff.
But,I'm not a blog full of giveaways or contests.
But, I am tired of littering my blog promoting other peoples giveaways or contests.  
I'm convinced they aren't sharing my posts with their readers so I am going to stick with what feels true to who I am.
Feel free to forget what I am not.
I don't give a flying flip about my "improving" my page rank.
And, I have no idea what an alexa toolbar is or why I need one.
Blogging shouldn't feel like a popularity contest.
But sometimes it does.
I'm not a journalist.
I will spell words wrong, make grammatical errors and litter a post with slang.
I type the way I speak.
I want my posts to capture memories.
Not be an "online recipe book" as my husband suggested.
Which means I need to readjust some of my boundaries. 
I have expectations heaped on me every which way I turn and this is the last place I want to feel like I am supposed to "do" something.  
Adventures with four is my sharing place.
My venting place.
My "be" who I am place.
My live life and share life place.
The rest like leaves will fall where it may.
I just needed to adjust my focus.
In 20 years it won't matter how many recipes I shared or giveaways I blogged about.
What will matter most is capturing snapshots of my babies as they grow up.
One day at a time.
Are willing to walk with me one day at a time?


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