September 18, 2012

The day we have all been waiting for...

Finally came!
Which should explain why I didn't get a chance to post yesterday.
We spent our  morning at the hospital for our last specialist appointment.  She got one last x-ray and we were thrilled when we heard the cast finally was coming off!!
3 casts
12 long weeks
1 healed leg!
I didn't get a chance to post what I sent them for lunch before we left to go to the hospital and the rest of the day was a gong show!  So, what did I pack on monday?

  • watermelon slices
  • fruit leather
  • cheese slice
  • ham&lettuce wrap
  • yogurt
  • banana 

  Now, what I packed for todays lunch was NOT what I had wanted to pack for their lunch and this quite possibly is one of the worst pictures I have ever taken.

  • Activia yogurt
  • watermelon
  • cheese string
  • chicken noodle soup
  • blueberries

Remember last week I had packed leftovers in their lunch.
I was planning on sending them the "shipwrecks dinner" I made for dinner last night.  It was super YumMy and the kids gobbled it up but, do you know how horrifying it can be when you learn that there is a Ground-beef-recall and one of the main ingredients is BEEF!  Here I was in my pajamas digging thru my kitchen garbage frantically searching for a soup covered Styrofoam meat package. 
I found it.
And that's when I realize it's much more prudent to just go to the source.  I called the meat manager at the store where I purchased the meat.  Thankfully, my family didn't enjoy an e-coli casserole.
So at least I can sleep easier tonight and on the plus side, I already know what we are having for lunch tomorrow :)


1 comment:

  1. glad that everyone is safe. Godbless to your family

    just me,



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