April 16, 2013

Snow Storms and Fancy feet

 Rustling programs and soft chatter fill the theater.

But I am alone.

A bell chimes and the house lights dims.


A bell chimes and the dances name is heard.

Shuffling feet hurrying into position waiting for the music to begin.

Colorful costumes and big smiles as number after number preform.

I wait for one dancer only in the quiet theater.

She's backstage in full hair and make up waiting.

Competitions can run up to an hour early so she must be ready.

Stretching and warming up her body so her movements would be fluid and beautiful.


Dancing...practicing the steps over and over again in her mind.

I'm in the theater sneaking glances in the dark at my iphone surfing facebook and the twitter feeds.

The quiet I long for all week is deafening as I sit uncomfortably alone. 

Lost in the performances I relax but only for a few minutes then I find myself on pins and needles waiting to hear what the adjudicator will pronounce.

"Platinum" as well as "Adjudicators choice" will thrust this dance into one of the spots for finally on Sunday but I was unaware of that then.

We had driven up in a snow storm...dealing with poor visibility, snow covered lanes and slippery spots.  My knuckles were sore from prolonged gripping of the steering wheel.

"shiny side up between the ditches" I prayed.

Road reports glared red for most of my journey but with extra time on our side we went and for the most part made good time except for the stint we went between 60-80 km/h.

"shiny side up between the ditches" I prayed.

We arrived safely only seeing 5 cars in the ditch along the way.

She headed backstage an hour early and I hunkered down to watch and wait.

One dance done.

one to go.

Four hour wait in between...and hour by myself again.

Squeezed in dinner and a trip to the mall.

Learned that people around Bower Mall do not know how to park.

realized I was back in truck country and stuck out like a thumb in my mini van.

Realized that if forced too I can back down an entire line of parked cars because the fool at the back parked illegally and trapped us in between trucks that are too big.

Desperately wanted a tea and was horrified and surprised when I realized how much I enjoy a mug or two of tea. 

Back we go to the college where this time she sits with me as we watch the last category before an hour break.

she hurries backstage once again and this time I head our for a coffee.

You see some strange things when you aren't looking for them.

Still confused today with what I saw.

A bleach blond asian driving a BMW with a bleached set of Elk Antlers in the rear window of his car.

Back to the college and memories of high school waft past me.

"Pot? At a college...who's shocked?"

Hurrying out of the snow I settle back into my seat.

A bell chimes and the house lights dims.


A bell chimes and the dances name is heard.

Shuffling feet hurrying into position waiting for the music to begin.

Colorful costumes and big smiles as number after number preform.

I wait for one dancer only in the quiet theater.

"Gold" the adjudicator announces.

We are off for home once more.

Slow and steady.

Black ice almost half of our trip back home.

We watch a car spin out of control in front of us and hit the ditch.

"shiny side up between the ditches" I prayed.

The road reports were wrong this time.  "Green all the way back?" I scoffed.  

Slow and steady but we make it home safe and sound.

Early sunday afternoon we learn "Pajama time" has been bumped out of the finals.

I feel happy and sad all at the same time.

Competition this weekend and another the first weekend in May.

I am a dance mom.... but I keep to myself.

Cheer from the sidelines and enjoy every second.

Even if I surprise myself with being uncomfortable in the silence I so desperately crave.


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