March 21, 2013

I've been busy baking!

I'm still a carb nut-I love it and there is nothing more inviting than the aroma of homemade bread fresh out of the oven.

Don't believe me?

I have 4 loaves to prove it!

This recipe isn't mine but has been in our "family" forever.

I haven't had a chance to try it out until today.
I'm sorry that I waited so long to try it!

Baking bread is such a rewarding, therapeutic thing and you'll be so proud of yourself once you've cracked it.

Pushing, folding and slapping the dough around over and over again reminded me of play-dough to be totally honest with you.

Once these batches are done I will be making some more but next time I might tinker a bit with the recipe. I will stick to 3 balls of dough instead of stretching the dough to 4 as one of the loaves seems to be a little smaller than the rest but it makes up for it with the taste.

So Yummy and much nicer than the bread machine recipes we have found so far.

I think next time the kids are going to get involved too and we will teach them how to make Grandma's Bread.



  1. lovely post and the bread sounds yummy

    thanks for visiting my blog xx followed back xx

    Taras treats xx

  2. Oh that looks so good! I love bread. Some hubbies bring home their wives flowers when she had a bad day. Mine brings home buns! LOL

  3. Lovely post! Thanks for sharing!
    I've always wanted to make bread, but for some reason it scares me! I'm not the best cook or baker around!
    But still, one day I will give it a try!

  4. Newest follower here! I found you through the blog hop. You have a wonderful blog, I look forward to reading more. I hope you can stop by and say hello, I'm hosting a giveaway that I would love you to join :)

    -Melanie @



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