February 25, 2013

A toilet, a dress, a big sloppy mess

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Sometimes life likes to throw massive curveballs just to see if your on your game. Saturday was one of those days. Our day started early in the morning with a simple toilet repair.
Punky decided that she wanted to help her daddy.
 photo 07418068_zps4752ddd5.jpg"Touch it! Touch it" she said with a big smile bringing laughter to my husband and myself.
Normally we would be busy warning her that touching tools were dangerous.
So while they were busy fiddling in the washroom 
I plopped on the floor and started sorting socks. 
I'm convinced we have a furry sock eating monster who resides n my dryer Or perhaps a slimy water snake that has made her home in the waterline in my washer because I'm not exactly sure where all of our socks disappear too but, that's a post for another day.

After a few unsuccessful attempts with matching socks I abandoned my pile and headed back to the basement to turn the water back on.

Flipped the lever the pipes sputtered as they filled with water.

As I came up the stairs I heard the baby screamed and my husband yelling" turn it off turn it off

I yelled back down the stairs to get Niffy nunu to turn the water back off as I raced up stairs.

Punky was a wet screaming mess with water dripping down her sweet chubby little face and hair.

Unbeknownst to me when I turned the water supply on a valve popped off sending ice cold water all over my husband, my baby, the wall and the floor.

A few minutes later the toilet was fixed.  The watermarks were wiped off the walls and the baby was happy again.

Thankfully everything was cleaned up lick-et split because we were racing out the door to go grad dress shopping.

I don't know if you've ever had the privilege to go Grad dress shopping but if you go make sure you bring comfortable shoes.

We Checked out two bridal shops on south side before we headed to the mall.  Cream colored dresses gray dresses, pink dresses too many dresses! Four hours later and all of us with tired feet we finally found her dress.  

View photo.JPG in slide showThe dress was made for her not only is it off the rack but it's in her size and the only thing we need to alter is the length!

The funny thing is it was I think the fourth or fifth dress that she tried on at the first store in the mall that we actually settled on and purchased.
She looks absolutely breathtaking and you can just see the joy and excitement radiating off of her face.

Back to the house we went so she could get ready and go out for dinner with her biological father her stepmother and her cousin.
well ,in her haste to get ready she Failed to see that the washer hadn't drained.

when she opened the unlocked door all the excess water spewed all over the floor.

Apparently her cousin and stepmother sounded awfully hilarious as they were at the bottom of the stairs watching as all the water and towels flowed out of my washer onto the floor.

You would be surprised to see how quickly you can move when you're trying to find towels!

What a great way to start a night!

As you may recall A few days earlier she had Just turned 18.
 Saturday night was her night to Dust off her dancing shoes and go out to party!
Because were taking a more pro active parenting role we planned a "girls night out"  so we got dressed up and my friends and I took my daughter to the bar.

I realized I'm way too old to be doing this kind of stuff...

View photo.JPG in slide show2:30 in the morning is far too late to be getting home especially when you have a baby who likes to be up at 7 o'clock.

Apparently she hasn't learned that we can sleep in on the weekends!
Yesterday was a complete write off.
I didn't actually start to feel "normal" until the early afternoon and I Suffered brain fog that we didn't really do much of anything.

we went and got some more of out fancy tea and we bummed around the mall and then we came home had a simple dinner and then just ended the night with TV.

Today I get to clean the aftermath.
The house looks like a tornado hit it and I'm not even joking.

I would take a picture but it would probably be embarrassing and horrify down the road so you can just use your imagination...

Remember I am a mama to four!


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