November 16, 2012

get it done weekend

With a "to do list" as long as my arm I should be preparing for a busy weekend.
Lists left unchecked will more than likely become part of next weeks to do list but for now I'm being a lazy bones.
Curled up on the couch watching "Vegas".
Why do we try to cram our weekends so full instead of relaxing?
Grocery shopping.
Tidying up the toys.
Make beds.
Over and over again.
It's starting to feel old.
This weekend will be a little different but not much.
I'm attending a girl friends baby shower and we are hosting an UFC fight.
So tonight it's a date with the tv
And a big bowl of popcorn.
The list can wait, it's not going anywhere but for now I'm needing to rest.

- Sweet Momma on the run

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